Members only please!

Many years ago, two young naval officers were marched up to a Commanding Officer because they did not follow service courtesies while boarding a leisure boat in the company of senior officers. Dressed in our ceremonial No. 2s and prepared for a proper dressing down, I had mixed feelings when the CO from down south told us grimly “I am more hurt because both of you are Malayalees, not known for such aberrations”.

We Keralites discovered the benefits of provincialism ages ago and practice it unfailingly even today. If you land on the moon and run into a fellow Keralite, he’ll still break the ice by popping our favourite question – “Naad evide?” (Where is your native place?)

As an offshore pilot, on a good day I get a spectacular view of South Mumbai’s skyline while returning from Bombay High. Sitting pretty next to Joggers’ Park is one of Mumbai’s most exclusive clubs – Otters Club on Carter Road, Bandra. Membership to this exclusive club could set you back by anything from INR 75 lacs to 1 Cr (as of 2016) if you can survive the waiting period of a few decades. To put things in today’s perspective, this is same as the price of a holiday home in the hills, a 2BHK apartment in Bangalore, or the RBI Governor’s revised basic pay for three years. It is easier to marry one of the members.

This is, of course, a physical club membership with heavy entry barriers. There are many other ‘exclusive clubs’ we create for ourselves. String together a group with common identities, background, or interests and then put up invisible entry barriers. Not all of them have an official status; but they do exist.

In the Academy, there were squadron-types, name-types, block-types, school-types, place-types etc. Special privileges were granted by seniors to junior ‘pals’ who fell under these descriptions. There were myriad other groups like ‘Sainik School-types’, ‘Rimcolians’, and other exotic breeds like ‘Georgians’, ‘Lawrencians’, ‘Cottonians’ etc. It didn’t take me long to figure that I did not belong to any exclusive club, coming as I did from a modest school in Bombay.

Upon commissioning into the navy, the lucky few got posted to ‘happening’ Western Fleet (Colaba) and became ‘Bombay-types’ while lesser mortals were routed to rustic east coast and got branded as “nautanki-types’ for no fault of theirs. Sometimes during major exercises, the twain used to meet where ‘Bombay-types’ made it a point to look down their long noses at the blustering villagers from east coast. But as luck would have it, before their Page 3 celebrity status could be confirmed, the suave ‘Bombay-types’ found themselves on a locomotive headed to the east coast and parity was restored. You can fool all the people all the time, but you can’t fool mom & the Personnel Branch.

Then came flying training and our tryst with the Indian Air Force. Now, in air forces world over there are fighter pilots and then there are other pilots. But hey, even the fighter stream had exclusive clubs like the ‘9-g Club’. Those days, MiG-29 and Mirage 2000-types wore Ray Bans, strode with a swagger and had an ‘air of superiority’ while unsung ground-attack pilots stubbed out ‘Charms’ cigarettes with their flying boots before taking to the skies assisted by afterburners, willpower and the earth’s curvature. When the Su-30 MKi came in, all other genres were pushed into relative obscurity. The ‘9-g club’ was quietly ushered out of Lohegaon, Pune to faraway lands by the P Branch (P for Plans, P for Pune, see?).

The chopper-types quietly pulled pitch by day and drank rum after sunset while the ‘transpotias’ flew like ‘dhobies’ and set ‘home revolutions’, their machines always yielding that wee bit extra ‘true’ airspeed when homeward bound.

By the time we returned to ships after earning our wings, the segmentation in navy was complete. The ‘Thundering Gunners’ with their ‘acquired’ baritone barked orders even when nobody was listening. ‘Crafty Communicators’ spoke signalese nobody could understand while the ‘Anti-Submarine-types’ struggled with oceanographic and hydrological challenges – the extra distance between ship’s Bridge and ASW stations adding to their insularity. The ‘Long ND’-types (navigators) were usually the Commanding Officer’s blue-eyed boys, though in reality they were red-eyed due to lack of sleep.

Naval helicopter pilots ran sweating from pillar to post serving dual masters on ship & shore while the ‘White Tigers’ – Navy’s celebrated Sea Harrier pilots, wore anti-g suits, dropped anchor in Goa & made the most deafening sounds in Dabolim area. When their advanced jump-jets failed off the sunny beaches of Goa, they ‘pulled the handle’ and ‘Angels’ (Alouette SAR Flight) pulled them out of the sea.

Those who survived ejection dusted the salt from their coveralls and gained life membership to the ‘Ejection Tie Club’, an exclusive club of fighter pilots who have successfully ‘pulled the handle’ on a Martin Baker Ejection Seat – a club which Terri Judd from The Independent, UK describes as a club ‘where you have to be thrown out to be allowed in’. Then came the Black Panthers (MiG-29Ks) and White Tigers slowly faded into the Goan sunset.

Helicopters had their exclusive clubs too; most common being the divide between ‘single-engine types’ and ‘multi-engine types’ (a way of overstating the twin-engine helicopter). The single-engine types silently saved lives & did the lion’s share of flying while multi-engine types bore self-inflicted injuries in their briefing rooms and built a hype around themselves (Aww…alright, they did some good stuff too!). The ‘multi-engine types’ had their own clubs. ‘Eagles’ (Kamov-28) hunted, ‘Falcons’ (Kamov-31) soared while ‘Harpoons’ (Seaking Mk 42B) dunked – all ‘Members Only’ groups even now.

My good friend Brian Thomas created a new animal called ‘Civil Fling Wingers’, a motley WhatsApp group of ‘ex-navy-helicopter-pilots-now-flying-in-civil-aviation’ (phew!). The Eagles, Falcons, Harpoons and Angels are still trying to get comfy with each other (like in-laws) and every now and then we have a ‘Big Boss House’ kind of situation!

So wherever you go, make sure you are plugged into the most exclusive clubs with the highest entry barriers.

What? You don’t belong to any club? Poor you!

Immediately start an exclusive club called ‘lonely hearts club’ and see how you get oversubscribed in minutes. I believe that’s what is ailing most people in exclusive clubs.

Ciao! Please work on your social skills. I am off to attend a club meeting!


©KP Sanjeev Kumar, 2017-19. All rights reserved. Views are personal. Cover photo by Kaypius.

19 thoughts on “Members only please!

  1. For guys like me there no club… Ever….. We do not even merit a mention in the list of clubs you touched upon in that fine article.
    I do not even boast of a coursemates club…. We were just four….
    So lonely hearts club it is….

    1. I belong to too many clubs having passed from 38,39and40th NDA Courses and having flown Fighters, Helicopters and being a Fighter Controller most of the time.Also the AFVeteran’s club and the Veteran Golfers Club.
      Hence, thank you so much.No more clubs for me.

  2. KPS your expression is great as always. You have caught the ‘club’ phenomenon exactly by the throat. Life actually is all about association since man is a social animal and by that extension we tend to get into ‘clubs’. Really great article as always.

  3. No mention of the original egg beaters…The Kamov 25…Now that’s a had been club I guess

  4. What an awesome article sir. Your sense of humour seems to be shaking out it’s dust which you gathered while you were on whites.

    Truly inspiring writing style sir. Each article is a gem in itself. How I wish I could write half as good as you…

  5. KP….Hi from Dorm 18 types….All those who came late in Academy… Remember..!!!
    Once again you managed to get us thinking.!!! It is the trappings of human psyche to look out for reasons of bonding…..The exclusive club keeps growing and multi group/ club may be the mark of a wanderer…Of born confused…
    Great read and loved the subtle humour…
    Cheers from ….Old monk Club….Pensioners club…

  6. Hi KP as interesting as ever. May be you can give the exclusive club of Bangalorians a pre-release to your blogs. Desperately want to be in another club along with the rest. Keep writing assure you we will keep reading!

  7. KP,
    You have brought out beautifully the club culture prevailing among the human beings.I think this is basically to prove ones identity and the ardent desire for recognition.
    I would wait for such more thoughtful​ writings from you .

  8. Well written Sanju .Keep it up.My service in BRO gave me a chance of meeting many IAF Pilots specially when I was associated in snow clearance in Kashmir and the construction work of Gwalior Air Field.By the time Arkkonam Project with close association with Navy I am out from BRO on VRS.Now yes closely associated with them due Praveens entry in Navy.

  9. Dear Kaypius……..
    With devotion, I read you strength five on two clubs, both ‘Ace of Spades’. The ”Flight Test Club” and the ”Kaypious Fan Club”. In the former, you write inspirational technical analyses, dripping E=MC2 with curvaceous Theta and Beta doing ‘item numbers’, in every line; pure intellect, aerospace engineering wisdom.. Rules of engagement set by the father of the ‘Flight Test School (bloody academy now), venerable Tommy Sir, forbids humour amongst the geeks and only encourages geeky diet. And in your fan club, you drool with unadulterated wit, joyous laughter on every line. Extraordinary talent you have Sanjeev, to switch from one club to another, like flipping a coin.
    I noted from the list above that my old ex NDA ‘Fox’ indomitable buddy ‘Sad Sack’ (Satinder) is your fan. I am in the line ahead of him !!!!
    Keep at it buddy, you bring joy to an otherwise drab Rum and Mumphali old age.
    Fond regards

  10. Honoured to be sharing membership of few clubs with you …Killer Squadron…Karate Club …
    PT club..

    All the best friend …

  11. Very well written, Sanjeev. Please continue to keep us enthralled with your power of narration!!

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