This is me!

I am a full time aviator and part time writer. Between some real flights & some flights of fancy, this blog took birth. If you like it, great! If not, come back later and I may have something better for you! Happy reading!

Me behind the controls of a Chetak helicopterSoon after a test flight on the mother of all helicopters - the 50-ton Mi-26

37 thoughts on “This is me!

    1. Hi sir,
      Im very fond of aviation enjoyed your experience with HPT32 incident.”Bailout”,
      thank you for sharing

    1. Am surprised that your name and background is not available on your blogging page, isn’t one suppose to be open so that gives credentials to content of your views.. ur recent article on MIG s just an eye opener, needs more data to corroborate what s written. Dig deeper into air accidents and why so ?

      1. Dear Sir, if you scroll down each of my articles you will find my name at the bottom. I have a public profile on Twitter and LinkedIn too. I am not on FB or Instagram though.
        Your point about more data to corroborate is well taken and I had made a mention of it in the MiG article. In the absense of data in public space, all we can do is speculate. Hope that changes. Warm regards, KPS

  1. Amazing blog Sir, I have bookmarked it. Also, are you on Twitter? Let me know your twitter handle please. Thanks

  2. A very well written blog sir. The ‘This is me! ‘ photo cracked me up.

    Your words share the human part of everything an officer embodies.

    Thank you for putting things as they are, hard to come by these days.

  3. good evening sir

    sir if you could please throw some light on role of Flight Test engineers and their role in the future projects in Navy like IAC

  4. Well – I got to your blog when a friend sent the link of your write up on Essel! I was fortunate to spend couple of years with him in school before he packed off to NDA!
    Your writing took me back over 30 years to just say Dimpi was the same then and the same when we lost him!
    thanks for the great write up – shall go through your blogs at leisure – your writing sure paint vivid pictures! Keep writing…

  5. Sir it would be enlightening to know your thoughts from a testers view on the ageing fleet of Chetak in the Navy.

  6. You have an incredibly gifted ability to hold the reader’s attention. Profound and thoughtful content. God Speed.

  7. Dear Mr Kumar

    It was fortuitous that I came across your blog: I got to read so many well-written articles!

    May I ask who designed your blog, or is it just a nice commercially available theme you picked up? If it is custom designed, I must say that the designer has a very good sense of fontography. In addition to great content, the design is very elegant.



    1. Dear Prodyut,

      Thanks very much for the compliments. It’s a simple WordPress-based blog with “Cubic” theme. Only the written material is my IP 🙂
      Warmly, Kaypius

  8. Chief, I am keen to share a concept related to drones. Do kindly dm me your contact details please. Will appreciate your response. Regards

    1. Dear Kaypius, greetings. I was delightfully amused to see my rank changed. to the airforce. Regardless I’m glad you have verified to someone that you arnt on Facebook. Warm regards and stay in touch via email. Sukhi

  9. Dear Sir,
    Brilliant blog I must say. I came across your article about the suspected drone attack at the IAF station in Jammu on The Quint and became a fan instantly. Looking forward for such well written pieces.


  10. I am cmde.v.ravindranath . I wonder if you remember me. I read your analysis of the Mi17 prang .needless to say I entirely agree with your analysis. well done.i am old school and one’ of the first helo pilots of the IN .My contact no is 9847087886. Can you give me a ring please. I am also a great fan of Ronnie’s

  11. Cdr Debashish Poddar was my senior at the Naval Academy. We were from the same squadron and so there was much chance interaction. I remember him as one solid guy, with fire in his belly and ice in his nerves. Nice of you to have written in his remembrance. Forever grateful.

  12. Intrigued why I have been blocked by you on Twitter, sir. Have no recollection of having read any of your tweets.

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